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About us

With an object to make global declaration of Human Right publically effective commensuration with the International and National hypothesis “Teesari  Aankh-Human Right Association has been working appreciably for last eight years in the public interest with its Advertisement & Publicity in accordance with the statutory norms laid down for human right organizations. An unforgettable cooperation extended by the human right organizations and general people as well as media are praise worthy in this respect.
Everyone is running like an insane today. They want to quench their physical thirst. In this scenario to work with an attitude of selflessness and to cooperate physically, mentally & economically is not only unforgettable & admirable but also an effort in the direction of giving a practical form to a best religion to human being. By the act of such good deeds we can make people able to achieve advantages protecting our cultural, natural & national heritage along with human values and Constitutional-legal system.
The Organization passing its eight years of successful activities is determined to give a safeguard to human values and to change national & international hypothesis of human right into rules. The organization is calling every citizen in this battle to become pioneer increasing  their awareness in the direction of human rights without any discrimination of caste,religion,birth place,gender and language.Every person has his responsibilities,rights & duties according to the civic law. It is a hard fact that right & duties make the backbone of the society and ultimately a country. It is an undestructable weapon . It makes a person sensitive. It makes a society and a whole country prosperous,undestructable and powerful.

Remember,we are all one. Security of a person in front of you provide itself stability in your security.Crime is the mother of destruction.Simple and constructive work may lead you to attain knowledge. These fundamental elements formulate health, strength and prosperity.
Please come,unite together to take an initiative to build a prosperous and constructive society endorsing the real values of life and proving genuineness of being human. It is our social & moral responsibility.

With Regards

Shailendra Kumar Mishra

Founder/Gen. Secretary  
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