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    • It has become necessary to stop the increasing incidents of the interference with and violation of human rights.Public awareness and strengthening the human right commission in this regard have become much essential.With an aim to the above objective Signature Programme is being carried out in the different district of U.P. to achieve the following demands.The length of the banner for signatures is 80 meteres long.
    • Having signature Programme completed it will be produced before honourable President of India in the form of a memorandum.
    • Memorandum of the various demands/Petition relating to public interest and complaint letters will be sent to honourable President,Prime Minister of India,Governor & Chief Minister-U.P.,honourable Supreme Court and Commissioner-Hunger,New Delhi,High Court Allahabad U.P.and to National & State Level Human Right Commissions.
    • To extend contribution to Tsunami Sufferers a begging programme was conducted and rupees twenty one thousand & one hundred were collected and it was sent to Prime Minister Relief Fund vide a bank draft through D.M. Gorakhpur by the Founder & Gen. Secretory of the organization.
    • During the construction work of Bar Room in Civil Court Gorakhpur two of the labourers were died but the District Administration was silent. We protested it by giving Memorandum to Governor and Speaker Legislative Assembly-Lucknow.Consequently Rs. One Lac to each were given from Chief Minister’s Fund through D.M. Kushi Nager to the deoendent of the deceased.
    • Sri Masiuddin belonging to Gorakhpur district was declared justice in his case from District Court but he was devoid of its relief and started hunger strike before Distrct Administration and was arrested illegally.He was relieved with out bell on th sixth day of serial strike before commissioner office and was granted a relief of Rs. 10,000/- financial support by the help of the organization.
    • Clothes were collected from general public and got it disinfected.Stalls at different ocations were installed and the clothes were distributed among the poor children,old persons,handicappds and persons having no dependence who were neglected from Society,Govt.& Administrtion during the winter season and were saved against shivering Cold.
    • A girl of Janpriya Vihar Colony Gorakhpur belonging to helpless and weak family was kidnapped and Raped. She was got free from police torcher by the help of the legal advisor of the organization-Advocate Lal Bahadur Dubey. Statement was recorded and sealed in the court of Judicial Majistrate with out any expenses.Efforts were made for her justice.
    • Attention of the Govt. & Administration were drawn from time to time for free medical treatment to provide food to check the death rate caused by hunger,malnutrition and AIDS.They were also inspired from time to time to financially support to the dependents of these sufferers.
    • Efforts are made among voters for their awareness to elect the right candidate of such personality who are indiscriminate to caste, religion,gender  & place which are the most important factors to build a prosperous and healthy country.
    • The organization successfully makes effort for human right awareness every year on 1 0th December commensurating with the national & international standard and the Organisation is determined to spread out its advertisement & publicity for human right awareness in future also.
    • The organization is continuously making its effort to stop the crime of Child Labour ,Embryo Distruction,Slavery,Prostitution,Abduction,Murder and Rape. The organization is determined to conserve & develop persons having no support by holding meeting,conferences and via other means of media.Italso creates awareness against uncontrolled corruption.
    • A charity show was organized for the help of AIDS/HIV positive sufferers. The fund collected were provided to them for their economic support.
    • Efforts are made to helpless families after the death of earning member for their support under National Family Scheme.



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