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Honourable Supreme Court and Human Right Commission have issued the following directives for the conservation of human rights.

    • FIR must be lodged when a sufferer approaches police station. The case will be registered under appropriate acts and a copy of FIR shall be made available free of cost (Police Regulation)
    • Person brought at police station neither should be beaten nor the behaviour with him should be unhuman (Supreme Court Directive)
    • If a person is called on police station for the purpose of witness he should be paid appropriate travelling charge(section 160(2) of IPC)
    • Arrested person should be explained reason of arrestation.It should not be denied to consult an advocate of his own interest.The right of his self defence should not be violated.(Section 150 of IPC)
    • Arrested person must be produced in an appropriate court within 24 hours (Section 167 of IPC)
    • In case the arrested person is detained on police station he should be provided food as per rules(Police Regulation)
    • Detained person & Prisoner whose case is under consideration will not be handicuffed at the time of producing him in the court,taking him to the jail or during transfer from one jail to another unless the relevant court has permitted to do so(Supreme Court Directive)
    • Person on police remand must be medically checked up after every 24 hours.(Supreme Court Order)
    • Arrested person if got injured either lightly or deeply at the time of arrestation he will be medically checked up and an examination memo must be prepared in this regard on which accused and police both will sign (Supreme Court Order)
    • If local telephone facility is available the information of arrestation will be given to the person familiar to arrested person.If telephone facility is not available it should be done by sending a written letter(Supreme Court Order)
    • If a person under police custody dies,Its information shall be sent immediately to National Human Right Commission(Directive of Human Right Commission)
    • If something is realized from the accused he must be given a receipt for the same. Goods under liquidation will be kept under safe custody (Section 5 IPC)
    • If the crime of a person is bellabe his bell arrangement should be made to bell him out.
    • It will be necessary to put name plate on the uniform of police man whenever he is enquiring a person (Supreme Court Order)
    • No lady will be detained on police station without specific reason (Supreme Court Order)
    • Harsh/unparliamentary language will not be used with the ladies comming on police station for enquiry purpose. She will not be asked uncultured/odd questions specifically ladies-victim of rape who is already suffering physically & mentally.She will be behaved with a high degree of sensitivity.As far it is possible the report will be lodged by a lady police.If not possible at least presence of a lady constable must be ensured . (Supreme Court Order)    
    • Statement of a lady-victim of rape case should be written in presence of a close relative of her and the presence of a male relative must be insured when she is sent for medical examination.If not possible,she should be sent with a lady constable.
    • Protection of right of physically handicapped person will be ensured(Article 21 Indian Constitution).
    • Grievances of labourers specially ladies should be taken sensitively and it should be redressed with immediate effect (Police Regulation).
    • Cases of missing & kidnapped children below 18 years will be taken in the category of serious crime(Police Regulation Act 101).



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